Lou Bachrodt Family of Dealerships

test drive
Jan 26, 2023

A road covered in show and surrounded by ever-green trees.

Making sure your vehicle is safe for the winter months ahead is our top priority. When temperatures fall below 32 degrees fahrenheit, it’s important to be prepared. In the following paragraphs, we’ll discuss how to ensure your vehicle is fully winterized this season.

How To Winterize Your Vehicle:

Regular Maintenance 

One of the best ways to winterize your vehicle is to perform regular maintenance. Make sure you change the oil, check all fluids, and rotate your tires before the onset of winter weather. It’s also important to keep an eye on how much antifreeze you have in your system – if it gets too low, it can lead to engine problems. Ensuring that your car has new wiper blades, a clear windshield, an owner’s manual handy for reference, and a working heating and cooling system is all necessary for proper winterization. 

Battery Inspections

Inspecting your battery is another important part of winterizing your car. Cold weather can cause the battery to drain faster than usual, so it’s best to make sure it’s fully charged before the winter months. You should also check the cables and connections for corrosion, as this can decrease how well the battery works in cold weather. Once the temperature drops this can be problematic if not properly addressed. 

Engine Block

You can also add an engine block heater to your vehicle. This helps keep the engine warm, even in freezing temperatures, so you can start it up without any trouble. Installing a hybrid battery warmer is another good way to ensure your car runs smoothly during winter driving. 

Tire Tread

Finally, make sure you check how much tread is left on your tires, or consider switching to winter tires. Tread depth is important for ensuring your vehicle has proper traction on the snowy road. Tires with a low tread level are more likely to slip and slide in icy conditions, so it’s best to replace them before winter arrives, leaving you stranded with the accumulation of snow and ice. Additionally keeping an eye on tire pressure is wise during this season. 


Making sure your vehicle is winterized the right way can make all the difference when it comes to how well it runs during cold months and cold temperatures. Following these steps will help you ensure your car is ready for whatever winter throws at it. Good luck and stay safe!

For additional tips and information about keeping your vehicle in the best condition possible, visit our blog or schedule a service appointment with us here at Lou Bachrodt Auto Mall!