Lou Bachrodt Family of Dealerships

test drive
Mar 1, 2021

And just like that it’s March, nearly Spring! Your vehicle has been a trooper the past few months, getting you through slush, snow, potholes, and ice. If you haven’t noticed the long lines at the car wash recently you soon will. With temps steadily hitting 40 degrees plus now is the time to treat your car, truck, or SUV to a little TLC.

Bath Time: Now is the time to focus more on the underneath and interior of your vehicle than anything else. Rid your vehicle of road salt and other chemicals that cause undercarriage rust and damage to cloth floor mats. If your mats are unsalvageable consider an upgrade, you can save 10% on all-weather floor mats or liners this month when you order with our Service Department. Sure, with melting ice still on the road your car, truck, or SUV will get dirty again but you’ve managed to get a jump start getting it clean.

Rubber Check: The air pressure in your tires fluctuates with the temperature. When you live in the Midwest it’s a good idea to get in the habit of checking your tires as the seasons change. Look for bulges (common if you hit a pothole) or cracks on the sidewall. Leaving those unchecked could lead to a blowout, especially as temps warm and the air in your tires expand. You’ll find recommended air pressure levels on the doorjamb sticker or in your owner’s manual! While you’re at it, check your wiper blades too. If they leave streaks or feel particularly rigid now is the time to replace them.

Check Your Undercarriage: Fact is, while the underneath of your car gets ignored most of the time, in the winter it takes most of the beating. Chunks of ice, mounds of snow, and hidden potholes are all potentially damaging to your exhaust system, suspension, and braking system. Now that the snow and ice are melting, take a quick looksie under your vehicle. If you suspect something has been damaged, schedule a check-up sooner rather than later with our Service Department at bachrodtchevy.com

Fluid Check: We go through A LOT of windshield wiper fluid during Spring thaw. A warm day is the perfect time to review where your fluid reservoirs are and how to fill them. Top off your coolant, oil, and brake fluid while you’re at it.

Spring Cleaning is the perfect time to fix any bumps, scrapes, or bruises your vehicle may have. Take a walk around and assess it thoroughly. If you’re ever planning to trade your vehicle you want to get the most for it you can. Making that trade before scratches rust or dents crease is imperative. You’d be amazed at what our detail team can do! Don’t forget, you can value your trade from the comfort of home HERE or swing through and get a road-tested review with one of our Sales Managers.