Lou Bachrodt Family of Dealerships

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Jan 24, 2024

Winterizing Your Front-Wheel Drive Vehicle: How To

Winter can be harsh on vehicles, especially for those living in regions with heavy snowfall and icy conditions. One of the key steps to safeguard your vehicle’s performance and ensure your safety on the road is proper winterization. In this blog, we will delve into the best practices for winterizing your front-wheel drive vehicle.

Inspect and Maintain Your Tires:

a. Check tire tread depth: Insufficient tread depth reduces traction on slippery surfaces. Consider replacing tires if the tread depth is below 4/32 of an inch.

b. Tire pressure: Cold weather can cause tire pressure to drop, affecting handling and fuel efficiency. Regularly check and maintain the recommended tire pressure levels specified by the manufacturer.

Switch to Winter Tires:

a. Winter tires provide superior grip on snow and ice. Consider investing in a set of dedicated winter tires for optimal winter performance.

b. Mounting winter tires on all four wheels ensures balanced traction, reducing the risk of skidding or loss of control.

Fluid Check and Change:

a. Engine oil: Use the manufacturer-recommended oil viscosity for winter conditions. Thicker oil can impede engine performance in colder temperatures.

b. Coolant: Ensure the coolant mixture is suitable for freezing temperatures to prevent engine coolant from freezing and potential engine damage.

c. Windshield washer fluid: Replace summer washer fluid with a winter formula that contains antifreeze properties to prevent freezing on the windshield.

Battery Care:

a. Cold weather puts additional strain on the battery. Test the battery’s voltage and consider replacing it if it is nearing the end of its life expectancy.

b. Keep the battery terminals clean and free of corrosion. Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly can help prevent corrosion.

Prepare the Exterior:

a. Waxing: Apply a fresh coat of wax to protect your vehicle’s paint from harsh winter elements.

b. Clean and treat rubber seals: Use a rubber protectant on door and trunk seals to prevent freezing and cracking.

Winter Emergency Kit:

a. Pack a winter emergency kit including a snow shovel, ice scraper, jumper cables, flashlight, blankets, extra warm clothing, and non-perishable food items.

b. Carry a bag of cat litter or sand for added traction if your vehicle gets stuck in the snow.

Adjust Your Driving Habits:

a. Slow down and increase the following distance to allow for longer stopping distances on slippery surfaces.

b. Avoid sudden acceleration, braking, and sharp turns to maintain stability.

c. Be cautious of black ice, which is often invisible but extremely slippery. Look for signs of glossy or wet patches on the road surface.

d. Stay up-to-date with weather forecasts and consider delaying travel plans during severe winter storms.

Lou Bachrodt Auto Mall For All Your Winter Needs

Taking the time to properly winterize your front-wheel drive vehicle can make a significant difference in your safety and overall driving experience during the winter months. By following these detailed steps, inspecting and maintaining your vehicle, and adjusting your driving habits, you can confidently navigate through snowy roads while minimizing the risk of accidents and breakdowns. Stay prepared, stay safe, and enjoy the winter wonderland without worrying about your vehicle’s performance.

Remember, these guidelines are general recommendations, and always consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual or seek professional advice for specific winterizing requirements based on your vehicle’s make and model. For more assistance on winterizing your vehicle, this season, visit Lou Bachrodt Auto Mall.